Awarded the Korea Best to World Best in 2011 Vision-Based Intelligent Steering System
Won the Silver Prize from the Korea Technology Awards SPAS (Smart Parking Assist System)
Received orders for automotive parts from GM
Received the IR52 Jang Young-Shil Award 2011 High Output C-MDPS
Established the Georgia plant of MCA (Mando America Corporation)
Acquired the E-Polymer Co., Ltd.
Won the Grand Prize from the Chrysler Supplier Award 2011
Received suspension system orders from Nissan
Established KMB (Kayaba Mando of Brazil)
Received brake orders from Volkswagen
Established the JV for automobiles parts with Brose
Signed the JV agreement for supply of automotive parts with Geely Auto
Concluded the OBC (On-board Battery Charger) technical license agreement with Diamond Electric
Participated in Eurobike and launched products overseas - Mando Footloose
Received steering and brake orders from Nissan and GM
Supplied brake products to Volkswagen
Won the main prize from the Great Place to Work 2012
Won the Prime Minister citation from Korea IT Innovation Awards 2012 Developed and mass-produced the IT convergence-based ADAS (Advanced driver assistance system) for the first time in Korea
Awarded the Korea Best to World Best 2012 longitudinal driving support and collision safety system (integrated collision avoidance system) first in Korea. 
Won the grand prize on automobile parts from the KOREA-National Brand Awards 2012
Completed the Global R&D Center in Pangyo and MCB (Mando Corporation of Brasil)
Established MAIL (Mando India Limited) steering plant
Opened MJO (Mando Jakarta Office)
Mess-produced NISSAN CMF1 and RS valve developed independently
Obtained the ISO27001 certification for plants in Korea.
Acquired the DSP-Weuffen
Mass-produced BMW UKL CALIPER
Won the Grand Prize on automobile parts from the KOREA-National Brand Awards 2013
Ordered the brake system from Fiat S.p.A
Launched MAIL (Mando Automotive India Limited) that merges both MIS and MIL.
Received the Presidential Citation on Motor Vehicle Day in 2014
Selected as the Supplier of the Year from DaimlerChrysler in 2014 Europe
Received the IR52 Jang Yeong-Shil Awards 2014 - Hybrid shock absorber 
Developed the world’s first ARC (Active Retraction Caliper) independently
Completed the MCA (Mando America Corporation) Gorgia Plant, MSYC (Mando ShenYang China), MRC (Mando R&D center China), MCP (Mando Corporation Poland),
Selected as the Supplier of the Year from DaimlerChrysler in 2014 North America
Obtain Korea’s first ISO 26262 for ASIL-D chassis system
Won the Gand Prize from the Quality Awards - MCP (Mando Corporation Poland)
Won the Grand Prize for automobiles parts from the KOREA-National Brand Awards 2015 
Received the Red Dot Design Award 2015 - Mando Footloose IM
Established MCM (Mando Corporation Mexico)
Received the Gold Tower Order of Industrial Service Merit on Invention Day Executive President Sung Il-Mo
Won the grand prize for automobiles parts from the KOREA-National Brand Awards 2016 (5 consecutive years)
Completed a Reliability & Validation Test Center
Received the IR52 Jang Yeong-Shil Awards 2016 long range radar sensor for vehicles
Won the grand prize for the section of a large-sized company from the Korea Labor-Management Cooperation Awards 2016
Supplied the caliper to VW from MCP (Mando Corporation Poland)
Received the New Product Pioneering Awards from GM in 2016 MSYC (Mando Shenyang China)
Received the Best Company and Best HR Awards from Hangzhou Bay New District MNC (Mando Nigbo China)
Received the Best Localization Awards from HMI MAIL (Mando Automotive India Limited)
Received the Top 10 CEO Awards from Nigbo Foreign Capital MNC (Mando Nigbo China)
Mass-produced the MOC-type EPB system for the first time
Received the Presidential Citation on Invention Day in 2017
Received the Best Greenfield Development from GM Mexico MCM (Mando Corporation Mexico)
Received the SQE (Supplier Quality Excellence) from GMK
Received front caliper orders from BMW - MSYC (Mando Shenyang China)
Ranked five stars technology rating (suspension) from HMG
Expanded the Winter Testing Site in Sweden
Selected as the Supplier of the Year from GM in 2016
Established MISV (Mando Innovations Silicon Valley)
Obtained the best level from the Win-Win Growth Index 2017
Mass-produced the IDB (Integrated Dynamic Brake) for the first time
Opened the G-QMS (Global Quality Management System)
Mass-produced the MOC-type EPB system of BMW (G2x) for the first time
Mass-produced the MOC-type EPB system of BMW (Gen2) for the first time
Received the R&D Quality Awards from GWM MBC (Mando Beijing China)
Received the Supplier Awards for excellent development from Geely MNC (Mando Nigbo China)
Mass-produced the SDC (Smart Damping Control) 80 for the first time.
Won the Silver Award from Spotlight Awards hosted by LACP
Received a commendation from the MOTIE’s minister as the IP Management Corporation of the Year 2019
Received the best level from the Win-Win Growth Index 2019
Established a new business development organization (WG Campus)
Published the first Sustainability Report.
Launched the Global Business Unit system
Won the Grand Prix from the A.N.D. Award 2021 and was a finalist for the Seoul Creative Festival 2019 Mando’s autonomous driving video
Won the Grand Prix from the ICT Patent Management Awards 2020
Received the prime minister citation from the Government Award of Entrepreneurship Week 2020?
Received the Brand Pillar for Autonomous Technologies from the Annual World Excellence Award of Ford
Mass-produced the SBW (steering by wire) for the first time in the world
Opened the MMSP of a data-based platform to create a new value
Received the Presidential Citation on Worker’s Day in 2020
Won the CES 2021 innovation awards 
Launched the SW Campus
Joined the UN Global Compact and selected as a LEAD corporation
Won the Grand Prize for automobiles parts from the KOREA-National Brand Awards 2012 (10 consecutive years)
Received the Citations of the President and MOTIE’s Minister on Invention Day in 2021
Received an A rating from MSCI ESG 2021, the only one from Korea’s automobile industry
Launched autonomous driving company HL Klemove
World's Largest Electronic Exhibition 'CES 2022' Innovation Award for 2 consecutive years
UN Global Compact (UNGC) '22 BIS Summit' Awarded Outstanding Anti-Corruption Companies
LACP Global Top 100 companies selected (79th) and won
Turkey's Turkiye joint venture expands MMT holdings by 60%
HL Mando Signs MOU with Argus for Automotive Cybersecurity Technology Collaboration
2022 Korea Energy Awards Awarded 'Presidential Commendation' for Energy Efficiency Improvement
HL Mando-AJ Daewon Signs MOU for Commercialization of AI Autonomous Patrol Robots
Management system' Next ERP' applied to all global corporations
'LACP, Selected as Global Top 100 Companies (Ranked 75th) and Awarded Gold
Attainment of Automotive Cybersecurity Global' ISO/SAE 21434' Certification